Ombre della Sera

Article 27 of the Italian Constitution states that the sentence of imprisonment has a precise function of inestimable social value: to support and accompany detainees in a process of re-education and rehabilitation that should enable them, after serving their sentence, to reintegrate socially and professionally in modern society.
However society knows very little about this process, and a convict’s arduous path, from his sentence to his release, is still conditioned by a vision of prison as a confined space simply used as punishment.
The film "Ombre della Sera" attempts to recount the difficult process of social and occupational reintegration, and it is the very inmates and ex-inmates of the Rome based prison of Rebibbia, who re-inact their return home after so many years of separation.
Wretched, desolate and doomed men, who try to expiate their sins and piece together the lives they used to lead.

Valentina Esposito
Valentina Esposito was born in Rome on the 17th of August 1975. After graduating from the Enrico Maria Salerno Academy of Dramatic Arts, she started her career in acting, directing and promoting cultural and theatrical productions, focused primarily on social issues, at international level.
In 2003 Valentina started her social work in the prison of Rebibbia, Rome, and the efficacy and enthusiasm she provided granted an ongoing collaboration.
As theatrical director Valentina has worked on projects with inmates with both short term convictions and inmates of the long term convictions - G8 Section of the prison.
Amongst the plays she has directed are "Exodus", "Fitzcarraldo", "La Festa", "Viaggio all'isola di Sakhalin" and many others.
Between 2011 and 2012 Valentina coordinated the theatrical part for “Cesare deve morire” a film directed by Paolo and Vittorio Taviani, winner in 2012 of the Golden Bear at the Berlinale and of five David di Donatello.
In 2013 Valentina set up "The Social Theatre Academy - Fort Apache" with the ex-inmates of Rebibbia.
In 2014 Valentina wrote her debut feature film, “Ombre della Sera”.

Affari Italiani

Produced by
Via Gennargentu, 20 - 00141 Rome
Ph: +39 06 87182658 -
Via Monti della Farnesina, 77 00135 Roma, Italy
Phone: +39 06 83396746 – Fax: +39 06 32609943 -
in collaboration with
la Direzione della C.C. Roma Rebibbia N.C. l’Amministrazione Penitenziaria il Tribunale di Sorveglianza di Roma, l’U.E.P.E. (Ufficio di Esecuzione Penale Esterna) di Roma
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